About Objective Golf

Objective, Adjective

1. Existing independent of or external to the mind; actual or real.

2. Based on observable phenomena; empirical.

3. Uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices: synonym: fair.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

Keep It Fair

There's a lot to love about golf. At Objective Golf, we love that the rules are simple and few if any judgement calls are required. Is the ball in the hole? If no, take another swing. But what about "Gimmes?" How "close" is close enough? When there is a prize on the line, this must be objective, measurable.

Introducing The Gimme String and The Greenie String

Would you like to have a set standard gimme length that is actually THE SAME for everyone? Check out the Gimme String!

Ever play Closest To the Pin and not be able to simply eyeball the winner? Check out the Greenie String!

Welcome to The Greenie String. Quickly and easily determine exactly who is closer with The Greenie String Golfer's Mini Reel, Golf's Hottest New Accessory

Introducing The Gimme String

With it's patent-pending hook, The Gimme String instantly tells you if the ball is within your specified distance, 12, 16 or 20 inches. It is marked to indicate the distance whether hooked to the flagstick or to the lip of the cup. Rewinds automatically. 

The Gimme String

The hook snaps onto it so it acts like a ball marker whether in your pocket or on the green.